The Health Professions Act  provides:

21. A regulated member who is applying for renewal of a practice permit must provide evidence satisfactory to the Registrar or the Registration Committee that the regulated member

(a) has, within the 5-year period immediately preceding the date on which the Registrar receives the regulated member’s completed application for renewal,

(i) practiced as an acupuncturist for at least 1200 hours, or 
(ii) enrolled in a program of studies recognized by the Council,

Practice includes:

(a) diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, disorders and dysfunctions using methods based on the holistic principles of traditional Chinese medicine and on using methods of stimulating acupuncture points and meridians,

(b) provide restricted activities authorized by the regulations, and

(c) teach, manage and conduct research in the science, techniques and practice of acupuncture.

The CAA has determined that 1200 practice hours in the last five years is not in itself sufficient to maintain public safety, because it does not promote or maintain appropriate rigor regarding the restricted activity. The CAA Currency Hour policy requires that 600 of these hours must be direct practice in the last three years.

Direct practice includes:

a) Hours of practice of the restricted activity of acupuncture as defined by Schedule 1 section 3(b) of the Health Professions Act, and
b) Hours of practice of cupping, electro-acupuncture, acupressure and moxibustion

Currency hours for acupuncturists is important to public safety for these reasons:

– Acquired skills and knowledge are perishable over time.
– Practitioners must remain current with best practices.
– Acupuncturists perform a restricted activity. Restricted activities are those that pose higher risk to public safety.

Q: What time period should I input for my practice hours? The last year, or the last three years?

A: Input your practice hours for the last renewal cycle (April 1-March 31). The system will keep a running total of the last three renewal cycles.

Q: What are direct practice hours and indirect practice hours?

A: Direct practice hours are hours spent doing acupuncture techniques on patients.

Indirect practice hours include direct practice hours, as well as hours spent researching, charting, making patient plans, etc.

Still have questions?

If the answer to your question is not here, you can contact the College at [email protected], 780-466-7787, or join our Facebook community.

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